Tips and Tricks for Effective Stain Removal Melbourne

Stains can be messy and irritating particularly if they are on your favorite or most expensive outfit. These are caused by several things and the treatment required for each type of stain is different. Although most of the stains on cloths go off with just a simple hand wash, there are a few stubborn types too. Oil stains, mud patches, ink blotches etc. can be real headaches. Likewise, you will have a hard time removing them from silk and leather fabrics. When it comes to removing stains, there are several things that you can try. You may go for natural remedies or you may choose an artificial stain remover instead. Here are a few tips and tricks that can come handy the next time you have an angry stain on your clothing.

Removing spots from wine, juices and soft drinks

Stains caused by wine and soft drinks are some of the common ones that you often come across. A small drop of wine can cause extensive harm to your clothes. Here is what you need to do for effective stain removal in such cases. You can start off by pouring some cold water over the stain and then rub some salt on it. Wait for five minutes and wipe it clean using club soda. You can then launder the cloth the regular way to remove the spot from it completely.

Removing chewing gum stains

Many times you would have had the irksome experience of finding a chewing gum stuck on your pants after getting out of a movie theatre. Removing such a menace can be a little tricky. But here’s what you need to do. Take some ice and rub it over the stain. This will help in hardening the glob of gum. Now all you need to do is scratch it off using a dull knife or a brush.

For color and ink stain removal

Removing ink stains can turn out to be easier than one might actually think. Ink blotches and color stains are very common among students and office workers. The next time your kid comes home with a large ink blotch on their uniform shirt, take a glass and hold the stained portion tight over the top of the glass. Then pour some alcohol over it slowly and allow it to sieve over the spot. Alcohol is among the best stain removal agents. After this you may launder the clothing as usual and effectively remove the blotch.

Oil and grease stain removal

Grease and oil stains cannot be removed by a simple wash. The easiest way of removing oil and grease spots is to use artificial stain removal agents like detergents or dishwashing agents. However make sure that you do not end up using too much of these as they may cause damage to your fabrics. You may alternatively scrape off the excess solids using a butter knife. Then take a plain white paper towel and place the stained part of the cloth face down on it. Add some dishwashing agent on top of it and wait for a few minutes. Now a regular wash will remove the spot effectively.

Bardwell Pressure Cleaning is a professional High Pressure Cleaner and Sealing operator with over 15 years’ experience in Stain Removal Melbourne techniques. They specializing in paint removals, House Washing Melbourne, and Concrete Cleaning Melbourne for more detail about them visit them @ or call them at 0419 325 281.